Parish Meetings and Silver Salver
Parish Meeting
A Parish Meeting is held annually around May.
The meeting usually includes a report by the Chair of the Parish Council, the award of the Peter Scribens Silver Salver, a report from the Parish Council Clerk and other matters of current interest. The meeting can be addressed by any villager.
Minutes of previous meetings are linked below:
APM 2020 cancelled due to Covid restrictions
Silver Salver
The salver was purchased by the Parish Council in memory of Peter Scribens particularly for his custodianship of the Village Hall. Peter was also an active Parish Councillor for many years and lived at 5 Birch Lane.
The salver is awarded at the Annual Parish Meeting to a villager who has contributed “over and above” the norm over many years or during the previous year, or for a specific task.
Peter Scribens Silver Salver Award Recipients
2024 - Jill Saunders
2023 - Vivienne Adams
2022 - Andy Boniface
2021 - Pam & Terry Esom
2020 - No award during Covid-19 crisis
2019 - Rev. Ruth Boughton
2018 - Brent Rogers
2017 - Jane Duncan
2016 - Libby Newman
2015 - Iain & Betty Macleod
2014 - Colin Gurney
2013 - Bruce & Pauline Bosher
2012 - Dave Arnold
2011 - Ken Lousvet
2010 - Linda Inchenko
2009 - Andrea Norman
2008 - Ken Walker
2007 - Robin Leach
2006 - April Halton
2005 - Peta Woollett
2004 - Stella Andrews
2003 - Diana Fry
2002 - John Dunn
2001 - Maud Kemp
2000 - Ev Leach
1999 - Felicity Copp