Flaunden Events
Winter 2025 onwards
Flaunden Flicks
Flaunden Village Hall
Film nights at the Village Hall from our rather wonderful Parish Council. There will be a variety of films including recent releases, old classics, and maybe children's films in the holiday periods.
Meet neighbours, enjoy a chat and then watch a fantastic film, what could be better? You are welcome to bring your own refreshments and nibbles (you will need to bring glasses).See the Flaunden Flyer or Flaunden email noticeboard message for details of film showings.
Village Coffee Mornings
10:30 - 12:00
Tea, coffee, cake and a good chat. See the Flaunden Flyer or Flaunden email noticeboard for details of dates and locations.
Pancake Races
Sunday 9 March 2025
14:45 start
Flaunden Village Hall
There will be several categories, including the particularly popular owner and dog race. Please note that the races start promptly at 3pm.
Runners and spectators can have fresh pancakes and tea after the races (not the same ones you have been flipping and dropping onto the ground, you will be pleased to know).
Easter Messy Church
Saturday 29 March 2025
14:30 - 16:30
St Mary Magdalene Church - Church Room
Join us for a fun packed afternoon of Easter themed craft, activities and stories. Bring your friends - everyone is welcome.
Saturday 5 July 2025
FlaundenFest is back for 2025 with a confirmed date of Saturday 5th July.
An afternoon and evening of music, food and drink with money raised going towards Macmillan Cancer Support.
Follow FlaundenFest on Facebook for more information.
Regular classes at the Village Hall
Monday: Jazzercise 9:30-10:30am Jazzercise.co.uk
Monday: ((BOUNCE)) 6-7pm Bouncefitbody.com (search for Bounce Flaunden)
Tuesday: Dog Training Club 5:30-9:30pm (3pm-7:30pm from 1st April)
Wednesday: Bloom Sacred Sound Healing (1st Wednesday of each month)
Thursday: ((BOUNCE)) 6-6:45pm Bouncefitbody.com (search for Bounce Flaunden)
Thursday: Badminton 7-9pm All abilities welcome. No need to book, just come along. Session hosted by Erik Vischer.
Friday: Little Leaps Soft Play 10am-12pm Little Leaps Soft Play Facebook page
Church Diary
March 2025
Benefice-wide Lent Course and Soup Lunches: we are running our popular Lent Course and Soup lunches and discussions in Flaunden church room on these Mondays: 10 March, 17 March, 24 March, 31 March and 7 April, from 12.30 to 1.45 pm. Everyone is welcome at all lunches, or just whichever one(s) you can come to. Questions? Contact Peggy on peggy.ludlow@cheniesbenefice.org
Sunday 2 March, 9.30 am: Family Service followed by pancakes
Wednesday 5 March, 7 pm: The Benefice's service to mark Ash Wednesday will be held at St Mary Magdalene, LATIMER at 7 pm. It will be a communion service and imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
Friday 7 March, 10.30 to 11.30 am: World Day of Prayer 2025 A service for everyone! Little Chalfont Methodist Church, Chalfont Avenue, Little Chalfont, HP6 6RD Coffee will be served after the service.
Sunday 9 March, 9.30 am: BCP Communion
Sunday 9 March, 2:45pm-3.30 pm: Pancake Races organized by Parish Council at Flaunden Village Hall
Sunday 16 March, 9.30 am: Morning Worship
Saturday 22 March, 10 am to 12 noon: Spruce Up Saturday! Church Spring Clean. Many hands make light work! Do come and help us make our church sparkle.
Sunday 23 March, 9.30 am: Morning Worship with Communion
Thursday 27 March, 10.30 am to 12 noon: Village coffee morning. Raffle. Proceeds to church. See Village email noticeboard, Flaunden Flyer or Church notices for details.
Saturday 29 March, 2.30 to 4 pm: Messy Easter for young children
Sunday 30 March, 9.30 am: Mother's Day Service with presentation of posies for special women in our lives.
Children are welcome at all services
Flaunden Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are held at Flaunden Village Hall at 7:45pm. Come and get involved - we would love to see you. Something you would like raised at the next meeting? Please contact one of the councillors in advance to we can consider adding the matter to the agenda. Please visit the Parish Council website for meeting dates and contact information.