Flaunden Flyer

The Flaunden Flyer is a magazine for Flaunden residents published quarterly and distributed free of charge to all households in the village. It was first published in September 2003 and comes out four times a year – spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The Flyer contains news and items of local interest for all sections of the community with regular articles from the Church, the Parish Council, and the Village Hall amongst others.

Flaunden Flyer front cover

Flaunden Flyer Team

Editors: Jane Duncan and Leo Holden

Advertising: Vanessa Robinson

Distribution: Mandy Hemmings

Production: Leo Holden

Finance: Jack Debnam

Contact the Flaunden Flyer

Enquiries for editorial to: Jane Duncan at jfd4@btinternet.com

or advertising to: Vanessa Robinson at kvknosnibor@gmail.com 

Advertising Rates

Flaunden Flyer is A5 sized and all issues are in colour. Help is available with advert layouts if needed.

Advertising rates are as follows:

  • Full page £60 for 4 issues

  • Half page £44 for 4 issues

  • Quarter page £28 for 4 issues

  • Single entry adverts available on request.

  • Special price for inside cover and back page subject to availability.